Students will become familiar with the basic skills and techniques used to communicate through the design and creation of powerful media productions. This course will provide an introduction to industry-standard software tools that are used to create and edit images, audio, video, and more. The course consists of hands-on assignments that encourage students to apply newly acquired skills and to think critically. This course is cross-listed as COMM 1800.
Creating and communicating through digital media is essential to digital marketers, entrepreneurs, and many other occupations. Digital marketing is a 5-star job and since many digital marketing jobs can be done remotely, this creates a strong career path for Central Utah. This course is a requirement for the Certificate of Proficiency in Digital Marketing, Certificate of Proficiency in Communication, Certificate of Proficiency in Marketing, and Certificate of Proficiency in Business and Music Technology.
In this course, students will learn the skills necessary to use industry-standard software tools as they relate to the following areas:Image Editing - Edit existing bitmap and vector images; Create original images.Audio Editing - Edit existing audio; Create original audio filesVideo Editing – Edit existing video; Create original slideshow and video productions.This course is designed to welcome and foster talent in all students.