TEAU 2800 Engine Performance II
- Division: Business and Applied Tech
- Department: Transportation Technology
- Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 4; Lecture: 2; Lab: 2
- Clock/Hour Requirements: 120
- Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
- Semester Approved: Spring 2024
- Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2029
- End Semester: Fall 2029
- Optimum Class Size: 15
- Maximum Class Size: 20
Course Description
The Engine Performance II course provides theory and hands-on instruction in automotive engine performance while following standards set forth by the Automotive Service Excellence Education Foundation at the master level.
This course is required for Automotive Service Excellence (A.S.E.) certification and ASE Education Foundation accreditation. It is approved by the advisory committee and USHE alignment. It is a core course for the Automotive Technology AAS degree and certificates.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Upon successful completion of this course, students will understand how to safely perform the tasks listed in the current edition of ASE Education Foundation Certification and Accreditation for Automobile Training Programs.
- Students will understand the integration of computers in the control and operation of automotive systems.
- Students will be able to use the appropriate specialized tools and equipment to diagnose and repair automotive computerized engine controls.
- Students will understand the basic operation, function, components, diagnosis, and repair of computerized engine controls for various makes (e.g., General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Chrysler Corporation, Bosch Corporation, European, and Asian).
- Students will maintain a reasonably clean work environment.
Course Content
• Maintain vehicle safety through safe engine performance maintenance and repairs.• Identify and repair computerized controls as they relate to engine performance.• Identify and repair emission control systems as it relates to engine performance.• Test and repair engine performance systems using industry-specific electronic testing equipment.
Key Performance Indicators: Students will be graded on completion of chapter review questions, quizzes, appropriate lab sheets, ASE task list, shop cleanliness, demonstration and a final test. Review questions and quizzes 30 to 40%Shop cleanliness 5 to 15%Final test 10 to 30%ASE task list, demonstration and lab sheets 30 to 40%Representative Text and/or Supplies: Computerized Engine Controls, Steve Hatch, Cengage Learning, current edition.Pedagogy Statement: