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Udambor Bumandalai


Udambor Bumandalai

  • Associate Professor, Dept Chair
  • Phone: 435 283-7443
  • Office: Humanities and Fine Arts Building, HU-119D
  • E-mail: ude.wons@ialadnamub.robmadu

M.A. in TESOL, Brigham Young University; B.A. in Linguistics with TESOL minor, Brigham Young University; Bachelor Degree in English—Russian Teaching and Translation, Oyu Foreign Language College. She has over fifteen years of EFL and ESL teaching experience in Mongolia and USA. Her research interests include ESL and EFL teacher training, developing listening and speaking skills, teaching culture, CALL, and issues related to NNESTs. She strives to develop herself professionally by actively serving and participating in TESOL and its affiliate Intermountain-TESOL. During her free time, she enjoys reading, jogging, and hiking.