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General Education Committee Constitution

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of the General Education Committee is to ensure the academic integrity and to promote the continuous improvement of Snow College’s General Education program.

  2. Membership

    The voting body consists one elected full-time faculty member from each academic division, two at-large full-time faculty representatives elected by full-time faculty (at least one should be from the Richfield campus), a Curriculum Committee representative, and the GE Director as appropriate.

    The Vice President for Academic Affairs is a non-voting member of the Committee. The Office of Student Success and the Registrar’s office each appoint a non-voting committee member.

    A General Education Committee member’s term shall be two years (renewable). Two division representatives (Business and Applied Technologies and Social Science) and one at-large representative are elected in even years; the balance are elected in odd years. If a committee member is unable to complete his or her term of office, division representatives will be replaced through an early election.

  3. Duties Of The Chair

    The Committee will elect a representative from the elected body of the GE Committee to serve as chair for a one-year (renewable) term at or before the first meeting each fall. A committee member shall have served the previous year on the committee to be eligible to be elected as its chair.

    The chair will have the duty to call the committee into session, preside over the meeting, and provide an agenda. In the event of the absence of the chair, the chair will designate an interim chair from the other division representatives on the committee. The chair will designate a recorder who will document and publish minutes and keep a file of all matters considered and decided by the committee. The chair will ensure that the minutes of the General Education Committee are readily available to any interested member of the campus community. The chair also has the duty to see that the campus community is informed of any important policy updates passed by the committee.

    The chair may invite interested members of the campus community to meet with the committee on an ad hoc basis. Any person or persons may request to be placed on the agenda for the purpose of addressing the committee on an issue.

    When appropriate, the chair of the committee will coordinate with the Vice President for Academic Affairs to provide in-service training in general education curriculum development for the members of the committee. This may include visits and consultation with general education officers and committees at nearby colleges and universities and attendance at conferences where training and new approaches to general education development are available.

  4. Powers Of The Members

    • The Committee's authority is derived from the Curriculum Committee and the Faculty Senate.
    • The Committee is a sub-committee of the Curriculum Committee.
    • The Committee is a legislative body with the responsibility to make policy about General Education.
    • The Committee invites, initiates, reviews, and approves proposals made to the General Education Program's outcomes and curriculum.
    • Any voting member of the committee can make a motion and each voting member will have one vote on motions.
    • In order to pass a motion, at least 50 percent of the committee must be present.
  5. Duties Of The Committee

    To preserve the academic integrity of the College, the General Education Committee carries out the following duties:

    1. The Committee keeps abreast of and facilitates the implementation of best practices in GE curriculum development.
    2. The Committee ensures that the GE curriculum meets high standards of rigor and excellence and is consistent with Utah System of Higher Education policy (R470).
    3. The Committee makes, reviews, and enforces policies regarding the creation, maintenance, modification, and elimination of general education courses and requirements.
    4. The Committee oversees the regular assessment of GE courses and the GE program outcomes.
    5. In collaboration with Curriculum Committee, the Committee has the responsibility of creating general guidelines for the creation of GE courses; divisions and departments retain the authority to determine exact content of courses.
    6. The Committee cooperates with interested parties (including but not limited to the Curriculum Committee, Senate, deans, department chairs, and the Registrar) to ensure that its policies and demands are constructive and reasonable.
    7. In collaboration with deans, the Registrar, and the VPAA, the Committee has the responsibility of ensuring that a sufficient selection of GE requirements are offered each semester.
    8. The Committee hears and rules on student appeals for GE course substitutions. The chair will notify both the student and Registrar of appeal decisions.
    9. In the situation where a General Education Director is hired, the Committee will be involved in the hiring and the annual review of the General Education Director. If the Committee does not believe that the director or chair is functioning in accordance with the will of the College and Committee, in consultation with the VPAA, the Committee can initiate a “no-confidence” hearing. A 2/3 majority vote could result in the recommendation of the dismissal of the Director of General Education or the chair. In this scenario, the party involved will not be a voting member.
    10. The Committee reports new action to the Curriculum Committee.
    11. The Committee publishes agendas and minutes conspicuously and in a timely manner.
    12. The Committee holds open meetings. The Committee reserves the right to move into closed session as necessary.
  6. Amendments And Appeals

    This Constitution can be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the General Education Committee which is subsequently ratified by a simple majority vote of the Curriculum Committee and Faculty Senate. Appeals to General Education Committee decisions should initially be directed to the GE Committee where interested parties can state their concerns. Subsequent appeals should be directed to the Curriculum Committee.

  7. Bylaws

    The General Education Committee drafts its own bylaws covering day-to-day operations, schedules, and procedures.