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Assessment Day

In education, assessment refers to a a wide variety of methods or tools used to evaluate and/or measure student progress specific to distinct learning outcomes.  These learning outcomes start at the course level and are linked to the appraisal of program outcomes and eventually degree achievement.  Assessment in higher education measures the educational effectiveness and quality of an institution's offering.  Assessment informs stakeholders--students, instructors, administrators and external agencies--on the quality and credibility of an institution.

Assessment exercises at Snow College occur throughout the academic year.  Snow College formalizes this process with a dedicated day at the end of each spring semester on which faculty convene to compare classroom success and failures, share collected assessment evidence, and coordinate improvement efforts for the coming academic year. 

This page serves as a resource to academic leadership and all faculty in the preparation and reporting of assessment day activities.

Important Dates:

May 12, 2022:  Assessment Day for all instructional personnel
June 1, 2022:  Assessment Day Template and all related assessment materials due to Academic Affairs
August 1, 2022:  Feedback Reports from Academic Affairs due to each Program.


